GET All Services Information Per Page

The Services Basic Information API will show you a complete overview of all your services that are on Toursys. This method works with pagination.



X-API-KEY generatedToken


pageNumber The page number you are requesting.

pageQuantity The quantity of objects you want to fetch per request. This value cannot be higher than 100.

Response parameters: 

numberOfTotalServices - Integer - Total number of services that this company has.

numberOfServicesPerPage - Integer - Number of services fetched by page.

numberOfPages - Integer - Total number of pages that you can request.

currentPage - Integer - Current page you are seeing.

services - List - List of requested services.

service_id - Integer - Unique identificator for the service.

service_active - Boolean - Identifies if the service is active or not.

service_code - String - Unique identificator code for the service.

service_name - String - Service name given by the company.

service_supplier_code - String - Unique identificator for the supplier.

service_supplier_name - String - Supplier name given by the company.

service_location - String - Location of the service.

service_type - String - Service type name.

service_currency - String - Currency in which the service rates are shown.

service_lodging - Boolean - Indicates if the service is a lodging.

service_restaurant - Boolean - Indicates if the service is a restaurant.

service_rent_a_car - Boolean - Indicates if the service is a rent a car.

service_package - Boolean - Indicates if the service is a package or bundle.

service_tour - Boolean - Indicates if the service is a tour.

service_transport - Boolean - Indicates if the service is a transportation. (Bus, car, transfer, etc.)

service_human_resource - Boolean - Indicates if the service is a human resource. (Guide, chef, etc.)

service_other_type - Boolean - Indicates if the service is a other type of service.

service_children_permitted - Boolean - Indicates if the service manages children rates.

service_pax_ranges_permitted - Boolean - Indicates if the services manages rate by quantity of pax.

service_operation_day_monday - Boolean - Indicates if the service operates on monday.

service_operation_day_tuesday - Boolean - Indicates if the service operates on tuesday.

service_operation_day_wednesday - Boolean - Indicates if the service operates on wednesday.

service_operation_day_thursday - Boolean - Indicates if the service operates on thrusday.

service_operation_day_friday - Boolean - Indicates if the service operates on friday.

service_operation_day_saturday - Boolean - Indicates if the service operates on saturday.

service_operation_day_sunday - Boolean - Indicates if the service operates on sunday.

service_breakfast_included - Boolean - Indicates if the service includes breakfast.

service_lunch_included - Boolean - Indicates if the service includes lunch.

service_dinner_included - Boolean - Indicates if the service includes dinner.

service_all_included - Boolean - Indicates if the service is an all included.

service_only_combo_component - Boolean - Indicates if the is part of another service as a combo.

service_created_by - String - Who created the service.

service_created_date - DateTime - Date of creation for the service.

service_updated_by - String - Who is the last user that updated the service information.

service_updated_date - DateTime - Last update date for the service.

Example Request

curl --location -g --request GET '[ENDPOINT]/ToursysConnectionApi/api/services/allServiceInformationPerPage/pageNumber=1&pageQuantity=30' \

--header 'X-API-KEY: generatedToken'

-- data '


    "numberOfTotalServices": 4204,

    "numberOfServicesPerPage": 30,

    "numberOfPages": 141,

    "currentPage": 1,

    "services": [


            "service_id": 00000,

            "service_active": "Yes",

            "service_code": "ODT",

            "service_name": "One day Tour ",

            "service_supplier_code": "AC Tours",

            "service_supplier_name": "Acmetravel Tours",

            "service_location": "USA",

            "service_type": "Tours"

            "service_currency": "USD",

            "service_lodging": "No",

            "service_restaurant": "No",

            "service_rent_a_car": "No",

            "service_package": "No",

            "service_tour": "Yes",

            "service_transport": "No",

            "service_human_resource": "No",

            "service_other_type": "No",

            "service_children_permitted": "Yes",

            "service_pax_ranges_permitted": "Yes",

            "service_operation_day_monday": "Yes",

            "service_operation_day_tuesday": "Yes",

            "service_operation_day_wednesday": "Yes",

            "service_operation_day_thursday": "Yes",

            "service_operation_day_friday": "Yes",

            "service_operation_day_saturday": "Yes",

            "service_operation_day_sunday": "Yes",

            "service_breakfast_included": "No",

            "service_lunch_included": "Yes",

            "service_dinner_included": "No",

            "service_all_included": "No",

            "service_only_combo_component": "No",

            "service_created_by": "user",

            "service_created_date": "10-Dec-20XX 6:31 PM",

            "service_updated_by": "user2",

            "service_updated_date": "11-May-20XX 2:38 PM"




